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Are you living principally-based?

Welcome to your Are you principally-based?

Do you find yourself affected by praise or criticism?

Do you often find that your emotions are inappropriate or extreme for a given situation?

Do others see you as warm and friendly?

Do you take actions without thinking about the consequences?

Are you concerned with how others perceive you?

Do you ever profit at the expense of others?

Does your mood fluctuate a lot?

Are you prone to bouts of anger or sadness?

Do you often see things in black and white terms?

Are you quick to feel frustrated or angry when your expectations are not met?

Do you consider yourself having a strong love for approval and praise?

Do others see you as selfless and kind?

Are you critical of loved ones, do you sometimes hold them to higher standards than you hold yourself to?

Are you focused on order and perfection?

Are you concerned with how others perceive you?

Are you afraid of rejection (of any kind, not just romantic)?

Do you often second-guess yourself?

Do others describe you as upbeat, positive, and hopeful?

Do you tend to exaggerate your achievements and success?

Are you fearful of being alone?

Does your concern for doing everything right interfere with your productivity?

Do you feel comfortable receiving feedback or criticism?

How often do you feel self-confident?

Do you often let others make important decisions for you?

Do you have an intense feeling of inadequacy and helplessness?

Do you ever engage in obsessive or compulsive behaviors?

Do others accuse you of being rigid or stubborn?

Are you often on-time for appointments?

Are you known by others for being relaxed, calm, and easy-going?

How often are you working on goals?

How often do you feel lucky?

When you are wronged, are you quick to forgive others?

Are you self-reliant and independent?

Do you often finish things that you start?

How often are you in trouble with others (either at home, school, or work)?

When there are things to get done, are you known as a self-starter?

Do you get discouraged easily?

How often do you follow rules or listen to instructions?

Are you quick to volunteer and help others?

Do you lie a lot?

Are you known by others as patriotic?

Do you willingly participate in civic duties like voting and paying taxes?

Do you support our military and first-responders?

Your new question!

Your new question!


How often do you find yourself affected by praise or criticism?

How often are your emotions appropriate, not extreme, for any given situation?

Are you critical of loved ones, do you often hold them to higher standards than you hold yourself?

When are you patriotic, proud to be an American?

How often do you lie to avoid getting in trouble, even having an uncomfortable feeling?

How often do you finish things that you start?

How often do you see things in black and white terms -- there is no grey area?

How often do you feel lucky?

How often are you accused of being stubborn or rigid?

When do you often let others make important decisions for you?

How often are you described as upbeat, positive, and hopeful by others?

How often do you think about the consequences of your actions before you react to things?

Are you prone to bouts of anger or sadness?

Do you enjoy volunteering and/or helping others?

How often do you procrastinate, even avoid, participating in civic duties like voting or paying taxes?

Are you on-time for things like appointments, school, or work?

How often are you working on personal or professional goals?

How often are you in trouble with others either at home, school, or work?

Do others know you as relaxed, calm, and easy-going?

Are you quick to apologize or say "I'm sorry" to others?

How often are you feeling fearful, worried, nervous, or concerned?

How often do you feel frustrated or angry when your expectations are not met?

How often do you often second-guess yourself in things?

When do you engage in obsessive or compulsive behaviors?

How often do you like yourself?

When do you support our veterans, active-duty military, and first-responders?

How often do you tend to exaggerate your achievements and successes?

When does a lack of focus and concentration interfere with your productivity?

How often do you follow rules at home, school, or work?

When do you get discouraged?

How often do you ask others for help, even strangers?

How often do what people think about you NOT bother you?

How often does your mood fluctuate?

How often do you feel happy?

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